Triton technologies标志.





Our 金融 IT solutions are not just about security; they are a robust framework designed to enhance your institution’s resilience in the financial landscape. We align our security measures with industry regulations and custom them to your specific needs, 既顺从又安心. 与Triton的金融IT服务, you gain more than just protection; you acquire a shield that builds trust among your stakeholders in a rapidly evolving financial world.


In the financial industry, the core banking system is the backbone of your operations. 皇冠体育博彩 offers advanced solutions that ensure the security and integrity of your core banking infrastructure. 我们的全面方法涵盖数据保护, 访问控制, 实时监控, 为您的机构提供健壮的安全基础.


For financial institutions engaged in capital markets, security is a top priority. Triton's 金融资讯科技服务 offer highly dependable solutions that protect your investments, 交易, 敏感数据. 我们先进的监控技术, 门禁系统, 主动监控可以降低风险, 让你专注于利用机会.


In the dynamic world of 支付 和保险, trust and security are non-negotiable. 皇冠体育博彩 provides IT solutions that bolster your 支付 和保险 operations. 我们采用先进的访问控制, 监测, 并进行实时监控,保护交易和客户数据, 确保合规性并在您的服务中建立信任.


At 皇冠体育博彩, we understand that every financial institution is unique. That's why our 金融资讯科技服务 are not one-size-fits-all; they are designed to meet your specific requirements. 无论你是大型机构还是小型机构, 我们有专业知识来设计一个合适的安全计划, 发展, 和你一起适应.


无论地点或客户群如何, 网上和移动交易将变得简单和安全, 使网络可靠性变得更加关键.


The significance of 备份与容灾 (BDR) plans cannot be overstated, especially in light of the ever-expanding volume of data and the need to protect sensitive customer information.


有效的客户关系管理(CRM)必不可少, particularly as financial institutions now serve a more diverse clientele across broader geographic areas. 满足这些不同客户群的需求至关重要.


Adhering to increasing regulatory demands is becoming more beneficial than ever. The ability to swiftly integrate and manage new systems within existing banking and financial services IT platforms is key to staying compliant and competitive in this evolving landscape.

Our 金融 IT solutions are not just about security; they are a robust framework designed to enhance your institution’s resilience in the financial landscape. We align our security measures with industry regulations and custom them to your specific needs, 既顺从又安心. 与Triton的金融IT服务, you gain more than just protection; you acquire a shield that builds trust among your stakeholders in a rapidly evolving financial world.



Gain years of 专业知识 in a single meeting by discussing your plans and needs with our IT Professional Services Team. A 管理服务 provider like 皇冠体育博彩 can give you perspectives no individual network, 硬件, 存储或软件供应商会告诉你. We are technology and vendor agnostic and look to provide you the best possible cost-effective solution for your particular operating environment. 点击这里了解更多.


我们为您设计并维护最佳解决方案, 物理, 虚拟或位于您的站点的组合, 你的供应商或我们的网站. Our rapidly scalable solution configured with backup and disaster recovery (BDR) capabilities typically lowers data storage/BDR costs by 18%-29%. 点击这里了解更多.


我们使用多种工具通知您和/或解决问题.  We also act as a “single source” that can own all of your problems and manage your vendors to a successful resolution of an incident.  有经验的员工使用我们先进的IT工具集将获得更快的结果, lowering your maintenance costs and reducing the impact of network/server outages.


Let us evaluate your networking and storage alternatives and deliver you a comprehensive 备份与容灾 plan. We will not only consider backup solutions (relatively easy) but timely recovery solutions (much more difficult). 从简单的文件恢复到站点级恢复, 我们列出了一个部署列表, cloud storage and monitoring services working with the vendors you choose or our facilities. We understand the mobile and multi-location environments of cannabis organizations. 点击这里了解更多.


皇冠体育博彩 管理服务 manages many applications that are critical to daily operations within the cannabis industry. Our infrastructure can support a customized environment that won’t disrupt any of your operational systems while developing and testing.


我们的你.S. based Help Desk is staffed by a team of IT professionals that have attained some of the highest first level resolution (FLR) rates in the industry. Focus your IT team on producing and distributing cannabis and stop wasting time on “basic” Help Desk” support activities.



Partner with experts in cannabis security solutions to address IT needs in manufacturing, 分布, 在遵守行业法规的同时进行零售.

Collaborate with industry leaders in energy and utility technology to optimize IT solutions and meet the evolving demands of the sector.

Our financial IT solutions provide cutting-edge technology and expert guidance to empower your institution.

Optimize your government operations and public service with our advanced IT solutions.

利用我们创新的IT解决方案改变医疗保健服务, 提高病人护理和运作效率

Enhance guest satisfaction and operational efficiency with our customized hospitality IT solutions.

我们创新的保险IT解决方案,让您安心无忧, 为保护最重要的东西而量身定制.

借助我们专业的IT解决方案,为您的法律实践提供助力, 旨在提高贵公司的效率和成功.

利用我们先进的IT解决方案彻底改变您的制造流程, 推动生产效率和创新.

Partnering with non-profits, combining technology and empathy to drive positive change globally.”

我们利用先进资讯科技解决方案的潜力,简化营运, 推动经济增长, 并在不断发展的科技领域保持领先地位.

Transforming transportation with our custom IT solutions for efficiency and connectivity.


8:00 a.m. 至下午5时.m. 美国东部时间
星期一至星期四 8:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m. 美国东部时间


全局调度 : (866)-304-4300

马萨诸塞州伍斯特 508-365-3630
爱尔兰都柏林(欧盟)| (353)12707574
马萨诸塞州伍斯特 508-365-3630
波士顿,马萨诸塞州b| 617-391-0988
普罗维登斯,罗德岛| 401-735-1956
康涅狄格州哈特福德市 860-560-8000
奥尔巴尼,纽约州 518-615-4300

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满足您的IT支持需求和遵从性要求. 立即皇冠体育.